Pavel Wiesner
General Director of Česká podnikatská pojišťovna
01. 08.2024
He has been working in the insurance industry for more than 25 years. He is happiest with good results and the satisfaction of clients and employees. Above all, he considers it as the greatest success when the people around him and in the company are happy, healthy and successful. He keeps fit with his favourite sports, which include mountain biking, skiing, running and golf. This also puts him in a good mood. Perhaps this is also why his most popular historical figure is Jára Cimrman, the Czech fictional scientist and all-rounder. The most distant destination Pavel Wiesner has visited, however, is real – South Africa.
How do you imagine the ideal summer holiday? And which past holiday do you like to recall the most?
When I think of an ideal holiday, I immediately think of words like 'sea, sun, family, discovery and sport'. I enjoyed the most amazing holiday 15 years ago, when I went backpacking through Brazil with my family and friends. The combination of beautiful Nature, and of the incredibly friendly and very open people was fantastic.
What do you love about your job?
Above all, I love diversity. In the field of insurance, one encounters almost every topic imaginable as part of the daily agenda. The perfect insurance agent must be a bit of an economist, risk manager, lawyer, technician, mathematician, businessman, IT guy, as well as process engineer. At the same time, I am very happy that I have the opportunity to meet a lot of inspiring people. And, last but not least, what I love about my job is that within our field we help people and companies in their often very complicated life situations.
What do clients or business partners consider the greatest advantage of your company?
What clients really appreciate is quality service in the liquidation of an insurance event. The true quality of an insurance company will only be revealed when an insurance event occurs, damage occurs and clients receive financial compensation. And if everything goes as it should, and above all quickly, then there is a satisfied client on the other side. And that is our goal. We also build our brand on a pro-client approach and connection with people. Our business partners say that, in the case of ČPP, they value the long-term stability, as well as the fact that there are many among us who take our work to heart.
According to you, your company is successful because…
ČPP maintains its position among the Top 5 on the market, we are even in 3rd place in Liability Insurance. But I believe that we are successful, thanks to the employees at our insurance company. At regular intervals, we conduct an Employee Satisfaction Survey through an external company. We achieve above-standard results compared to the rest of the market. The survey reveals that our employees appreciate the pleasant working environment and the work-life balance.
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